Welcome to ReactProx
I am Flordir Forhed
React Developer
Welcome to ReactProx, where i am innovation meets React development. Explore my portfolio web solutions.
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Get to Know Me
Curious about the person behind ReactProx? Dive into my story, skills, and the journey that led me to the world of best for the React development. Let's connect on a personal level.
I've been part of the team that has built the front-end for an enterprise level web application in AngularJS. I've been a part of a team that has built a social network from scratch in Meteor.
How can i help you
I've diverse background in technology, which mean I'm always learning new skills. I've worked with a wide range of technologies, including MS SQL Server and Python. One of my favorite characteristics of an employer is their passion for the work they are doing.
Hire MeWhat do i offer
Curious about the person behind ReactProx? Dive into my story, skills, and the journey that led me to the world of React development.

Web Application
Designing and developing interactive and web applications using React

Single Page Applications
Building SPAs that provide a seamless and fluid user experience

Custom Component
Developing reusable and modular UI components using React.

Integration with APIs
Integrating web applications with various APIs to fetch

State Management
Implementing state management using React's built-in state or external

UI Design and Optimization
Creating visually appealing user interfaces with a focus on usability
recent Projects
I've diverse background in technology, which mean I'm always learning new skills.

What the People Thinks About me
Articles & News
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the of readable content of a page when lookings at its layouts the points of using.